Added Plesk License to add 10 domains - went from 3 domains to 10


Shouldn't I have 13 domain licenses available now?

AWS came with 3 plesk licenses available, I then paid for Plesk Web Admin Edition - 10 licenses, but only ended up with 10 available in the panel not 13. I get it, I guess, but seems like I got screwed there. I figure that part of the pricing of Lightsail includes those 3 plesk licenses, so I'm effectively double-paying for those 3 licenses.

Am I wrong?

TY In Advance,


asked 4 years ago778 views
1 Answer

Hi there:

Plesk servers based on the "Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu" Amazon Lightsail image come with the Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu license pre-installed. The license is provided for free, but comes with a number of limitations compared to paid Plesk Onyx licenses. Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu is suitable for basic hosting management or for trying Plesk out before buying a paid Plesk license.

Here are the limitations of Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu:

You can manage not more than 3 domains.
Plesk Support is free for the first 30 days. After 30 days, to use Plesk Support, either upgrade your Plesk license to Web Pro or Web Host Edition or buy a support subscription. So you are not overpaying.
I hope that helps.

answered 4 years ago

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