Enable BYOL for my account in Amazon WorkSpaces


Hello I want to use my own Windows 10 Professional license with Amazon WorkSpaces. I was going through this documentation, which says

To get started, contact your AWS account manager or sales representative, or contact the AWS Support Center. Your contact will verify your eligibility for BYOL.

I do not have a sales representative and my Basic Support plan is not eligible for Technical Support.

The billing team has suggested to communicate via this community channel so that someone from AWS team can help me in this regard.

Can you please suggest how I can verify my eligibility and use my own Windows 10 Professional on Amazon WorkSpaces?

2 Answers

For customer's to be able to run BYOL Workspaces, there are certain requirements that needs to be fulfilled and one of that is that you will need to commit to run minimum of 100 regular Workspaces or 4 AlwaysOn or 20 AutoStop GPU-enabled WorkSpaces.

With that said, if you fulfill all the requirement mentioned in the documentation and if your licensing agreement with Microsoft allows it, you can use your Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Pro, you can submit a case and the customer support team will reach out to the relevant team to check this further.

Please also refer to the Workspaces FAQ for more details.

answered 2 years ago
  • Additionally it's good to have technical support plan as customer support teams has very limited means and mechanism to troubleshoot technical issues and provide technical assistance as they have very limited technical knowledge.

  • "100 regular Workspaces" Thats a lot of WorkSpaces! I needed for one only.


You can fill out the WorkSpaces contact us form and your account team will reach out.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for the suggestion. When I use that form, this is the response they give me.

    Hi there, This is Josh from Amazon AWS, following up on your case.

    To contact the support team, please log in to your account and open a new case. From an unauthenticated case, I am unable to transfer your mail.

    Best regards, Josh M Amazon Web Services

    I believe they are asking me to buy support service in order to address me.

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