I am unable to setup CORS on my REST API integration with S3. I am trying to configure my resource to return the list of objects in my bucket. I have enabled CORS, it created OPTIONS method but when I make OPTIONS request either from JS or curl I get 500 Internal Server Error. I've enabled detailed logs on CloudWatch and I see this:
Method request body before transformations: [Binary Data]
Execution failed due to configuration error: Unable to transform request
Method completed with status: 500
< HTTP/2 500
< date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 21:43:27 GMT
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 36
< x-amzn-requestid: e31e295f-2d8a-4cb5-892e-2b1b517f3650
< x-amzn-errortype: InternalServerErrorException
< x-amz-apigw-id: xxxxxxx
* Connection #0 to host xxxx.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com left intact
{"message": "Internal server error"}%
Why am I getting 500 Internal Server Error from OPTIONS method? What am I missing?
This is my definition of REST API and S3 Integration in CDK (typescript)
private createS3Integration(documentsBucket: IBucket, executeRole: Role) {
return new apigw.AwsIntegration({
service: 's3',
integrationHttpMethod: 'GET',
path: '{bucket}',
options: {
credentialsRole: executeRole,
integrationResponses: [
statusCode: '200',
responseParameters: {
'method.response.header.Content-Type': 'integration.response.header.Content-Type'
requestParameters: {
'integration.request.path.bucket': 'method.request.path.folder'
private addDocumentsGetEndpoint(apiGateway: apigw.RestApi, s3GetIntegration: apigw.AwsIntegration) {
.addMethod('GET', s3GetIntegration, {
methodResponses: [
statusCode: '200',
responseParameters: {
'method.response.header.Content-Type': true
requestParameters: {
'method.request.path.folder': true,
'method.request.header.Content-Type': true
Where did you make that (please share console screenshot)