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Cloudfront Domain with Godaddy Not Working


Hi Team,

I have been trying to Run Application for one of my client.

  1. => I have validated the acm using Email, as DNS Validation was not working some how.
  2. I created a cloudfront url it is working. when I try to open site with cloudfront url it works and opens.
  3. Now when I try to access using the cname it is not working. "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" and Page can not be reached error.

I need urgent fix kindly guide

2 Answers

Please check this document.
Have you created a Cname record for the CloudFront domain in Godaddy's DNS zone?

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answered 2 years ago

Sounds like your DNS Domain isnt setup correctly.

Where is your Domain hosted? If Route53, is it Public? This will also cause issues with ACM validation when using a private Zone. Route 53 zones need to be public for ACM validation and if you want to use a CNAME over the internet.

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answered 2 years ago

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