Cost Explorer Discrepancy


Hello! When I access Billing and Cost Management home, I can see the cost breakdown from the last 6 months very consistently (around $1k per month) But when I click on Analyze your costs in Cost Explorer, or if I just click on the Cost Explorer (New) menu, I can only see the costs of last Sep and Oct, but from November to Feb everything costs like 1 or 2 dollars and there is a "Data Transfer" item that is equal to the negative sum of the other items, so it all shows 0.

Why can't I see the cost analysis of the last 4 months?

asked 6 months ago295 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

This happens if you have had credits applied to your account.

When in cost explorer, you can select or exclude what type of charges using the filters.

Exclude credits and then all the months will show the costs.

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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