IoT Core named shadow editor bug


I think i have detected a bug in the Named shadow editor in the AWS console. Reproducible:

  1. Edit a named shadow, and give the device time to pickup and report the change to "reported"
  2. See that the Named shadow gets updated twice (once for the change to the desired state and once for the device returning the same in the reported state
  3. then click edit again and see that the reported state in the edit window hasn't been updated.

once you then edit this out of sync editor field, it sometimes doesn't pickup the change, and sometimes does.. either way the editor field doesn't get updated..

A refresh of the page causes the edit field to re-sync with the true shadow and it all works again.

i've made a small demo :

tried both with latest firefox (114.0.2 (64-bit)) and brave (v1.52.126)

  • can anyone else please confirm if they see the same ?

asked a year ago309 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hoi clogwog. Yes I experience the same. It's not unique to named shadows; I see it also for Classic. It's necessary to hit the refresh button each time:

Enter image description here

I've reported the issue internally. I will report back here if there's any news in the near future.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed 4 months ago
  • This is now fixed.

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