LightSail containers Launch command


in LightSail Container Service, under Configuration, how is the "Launch command" used?

There example placeholder text in the Text input field "" but no explanation.

I'm looking to run a curl command to download a file into container at deployment time, but this break the container startup.

asked 6 months ago265 views
2 Answers


According to the explanation in the document, it seems that you can write bash commands to configure the container.

Launch command – Specify a launch command to run a shell script or a bash script that configures your container when it's created. A launch command can do things like add software, update software, or configure your container in some other way.

By the way, is the curl command installed in the container image you are using?
Also, did any errors occur when the deployment was interrupted?

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answered 6 months ago
  • I would like a run shell commands directly. example: bash -c echo "x" or /bin/bash -c 'curl'. I tried this and the deployment fails and the container endpoint url does not load. The logs only show a "timeout" but nothing related to the launch command. I can build a new image with my own custom shell script to push to LightSail, I suppose, but would like to avoid this if possible.


It requires that your project has the in it and the dockerfile has a command to copy it to the root/working directory of the image

answered 5 months ago

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