Workspaces client fails to authenticate on Linux


I'm trying to connect to AWS Workspace from Linux (Ubuntu). It succeeds with authentication and progresses with connection and then suddenly responds with: "ERROR_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION ... You may have prolonged inactivity or a new password. Please try again."

There is message in the log which seems like Bad Request: WSBrokerClient::Authenticate failed with [ExceptionMessage]ErrorCode: 6001, ErrorMessage: User Authentication failed, InnerException: Request failed with status code 400

The password is correct and the client is actually able to progress on login, because when I type wrong password, it fails earlier directly with "Authentication Failed, please check your username and password...". With correct password, it fails later as described above.

I'm able to connect from Windows client without problems.

I tried both 22.04 (jammy) and 20.04 (focal) clients, installed directly on Kubuntu 24.04 or on Ubuntu 22.04, either via docker or chroot. None combination helped.

Edit: After enabling Linux in the "Other clients" section, it progresses beyond authentication. Then it says "Disconnected" though, without explanation. Log message: Received Disconnect Request from Solo {"Version":"1.0","Action":"DISCONNECT","ActionType":"REQUEST","Payload":{"DisconnectCode":"200"}}

asked 16 days ago56 views
1 Answer


Are you using device authentication or something like that with Workspaces?
If you are using it, I think there was an item to allow Linux, so I think you need to set it to allow Linux.

Although it may not be very relevant, an error may occur if there is a time difference of 5 minutes or more between resources.

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answered 16 days ago
  • No device authentication, just regular user + password. I checked the time with ntp and it's correct (and the same as on successfully connecting windows machine). Thanks, the Linux in the other section was truly disabled. Now it progresses beyound authentication but then it says "Disconnected", without further explanation. There is an entry in the log: Received Disconnect Request from Solo {"Version":"1.0","Action":"DISCONNECT","ActionType":"REQUEST","Payload":{"DisconnectCode":"200"}}

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