Want to completely disable EB “health check”


I have a Django app that I am deploying with elastic beanstalk. Django’s ALLOWED_HOSTS behavior causes it to fail elastic beanstalk’s “health checks”. I would like to completely disable these checks, if possible, because I don’t really find them useful anyway.

I don’t see a way to do this, so I did the next best looking thing: I turned on “Ignore 4xx responses” for both the app and the elb in the environment configuration. But it’s still showing a degraded state.

I’ve been just ignoring this for a while, deploying new versions of the app without issue. But now, it’s causing deployments to fail and roll back (even though the rolled back app is failing the health checks too). So I want the check just gone.

Has anyone else experienced this? What did you do to resolve it?

asked 10 months ago2085 views
1 Answer


ALB health checks cannot be disabled.
So, why not try changing the health check Matcher range to a larger range, such as 200 - 500?

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answered 10 months ago

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