Discrepancy in AWS Billing Conductor Pro Forma Invoices


Hello, In our organization, we are using AWS Billing Conductor to generate pro forma invoices for clients. We’ve encountered an issue where there are discrepancies in costs between different sections of the invoice. For example, at the top of the pro forma, in the "AWS Billing Summary," the cost is $107.82.

Billing summary

However, at the bottom, in the "Charges by Account" section, the amount is $107.84.

Charges by account

While the difference is very small—just $0.02—in my organization, this discrepancy needs to be explained. Does anyone know the reason for these differences? Thank you very much!


  1. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/billingconductor/latest/userguide/abc-proforma-def-bestpractices.html
1 Answer


I sincerely apologize for the confusion caused by this issue. I would suggest opening a billing case through Support Center so our Billing Support team can check into this and provide a detailed explanation. This article will help you with that process:

Creating support cases

— Brian D.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

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