EMR Serverless attached to Notebook pricing


hello i'am using EMR Notebook attached to EMR Serverless Application. i'm wondering how can i get the pricing information? there's nowhere i can find about the price how much i used. when i execute the code, it does not appear in the application job section.

2 Answers


I hope this information helps, please check it out:


From there:

"With this feature, you can get a detailed view of the vCPU-hours, memoryGB-hours, and storageGB-hours consumed by an EMR serverless job on completion. Using this data and the pricing in each Region, you can accurately calculate the cost per job run. You can view these values both in the EMR Studio UI and the GetJobRun API."


So according to this, the GetJobRun API returns billedResourceUtilization and totalResourceUtilization. Please note this information would be available once the job is completed, not while running.

answered a year ago


Thank you for writing on re:Post.

I see that you want to know how you can view the pricing information of the jobs being run in your application.

You can view the aggregated Billed resource utilization for each job within an EMR Serverless application, simplifying the cost calculation per job run. Please not that for now It only shows the calculation for a completed job run. [+] https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/04/amazon-emr-serverless-job-billed-resources-cost-management/

You can also make use of GetJobRun API which will provide the usage details like below- "totalExecutionDurationSeconds": number, "totalResourceUtilization": { "memoryGBHour": number, "storageGBHour": number, "vCPUHour": number }

I hope I was able to address your query. Thanks and have a great day ahead!

Reference Links - [+] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr-serverless/latest/APIReference/API_GetJobRun.html [+] https://aws.amazon.com/emr/pricing/

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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