Data backup solution



We have a requirement for data backup from 1TB up to 40TB from our servers during a site decommission and retain it for a period of 30-90 days and would need access to it occasionally. Already tried S3 but that's not scalable for our requirement considering it takes huge time for upload and choke site bandwidth, We are trying to understand how snowcone or snowball works and the cost involved.

3 Answers

Hello, Have you considered an AWS Backup? If your data resides in AWS Cloud, You can use AWS Backup.,

Or, If your data is in On-Prem, You can consider AWS Storage Gateway.,

As you know, Snowball is for offline migration. 1. AWS will send a Snowball device to you. 2. Then, you have to upload your data to the device. 3. Ship the device back to AWS. 4. After that, the data of the device will be uploaded to S3. Also, You can refer of Snowball cost in the following link.,

To get a more specific response, I think that you should explain a bit more clearly about your environment and requirements. Thank you.

answered 2 years ago
  • To be more precise on our requirement.

    1. We have NVR servers (windows) at our corp offices used for security camera recordings.
    2. During a site decommission there is a need to retain data on these NVR servers for a period of 30-90 days.
    3. Security team would need access to this data in an event of investigation.
    4. As we need a full backup of the recordings, Backup can be initiated only after network decommission. In this case a offline solution is needed.

Thank you for your update about the requirements.

I think that this blog is helpful for your environment and requirements.

If you implement Amazon S3 File Gateway in your office locations,

  1. The NVR servers can use SMB protocol to access the S3 File Gateway volume.
  2. The NVR servers and security team will be able to access the recording data directly because S3 File Gateway provides a maximum 64TB of local cache.
  3. Recording data will be transferred to the designated S3 bucket automatically and you can access this bucket as well.
  4. Also, you will be able to backup or archive the recording data to another S3 class for long-term retention through AWS Backup or ILM rules in the cloud.
  5. Finally, you can refer to S3 File gateway quotas.

answered 2 years ago

You can use Snowball Edge devices to copy all this data to and keep the devices for the full 30-90 day period. Here is the pricing page for that:

You get the first 10 days included and then you're charged a fee per extra day you want to keep it. With Snowball Edge, you can copy all your data to the device and then access it locally if you need to via NFS or the S3 interface. You can also send the device back to us and we can upload/import all that data into S3 on your behalf, which would be considerably faster than uploading that data through an internet connection. Once it's in S3, you can do all sorts of stuff with it and use that data in a myriad of ways using other AWS services that work on top of S3.

answered 2 years ago

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