Not able to deregister the directory from Workspaces


Not able to deregister the directory from Workspaces. There are no workspaces available. still not able to derigster the directory. Please help

C:\Users\hbansal>aws workspaces describe-workspaces Output: { "Workspaces": [] }

C:\Users\hbansal>aws workspaces deregister-workspace-directory --directory-id d-9f672e3fc7

Output: An error occurred (OperationNotSupportedException) when calling the DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory operation: There are WorkSpaces assigned to this directory. You must remove the WorkSpaces before you deregister the directory.

2 Answers


To delete a directory follow the below steps,

Delete all WorkSpaces in the directory-

Find and remove all of the applications and services that are registered to the directory. For more information, see Delete Your Directory in the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide --

Open the WorkSpaces console at

In the navigation pane, choose Directories.

Select the directory and choose Actions, Deregister.

When prompted for confirmation, choose Deregister.

Select the directory again and choose Actions, Delete.

When prompted for confirmation, choose Delete.

Let me know if this works & you can also reach out to AWS Support, if this does not work.

Please click Accept Answer if you found this helpful !!

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • It's not working, I tried this. All of my workspaces are deleted, no workspaces, bundle, images are available, still while trying to deregister the directory, I'm getting error.


Correcting my answer as I overlooked the questions.

  1. Make sure the directory is in active state.
  2. Use AWS CLI to describe the Workspaces and check if there are any Workspaces still deployed in the directory.
  3. If you find any workspaces still deployed, terminate them using AWS CLI.
  4. Then deregister the directory.
  5. If the issue still persists, please open a support case.
answered 2 years ago

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