Glue Job Studio - Output Schema - Edit and Apply does not save changes


I have a glue job that is reading a couple of CSV files form S3.

  1. I manually choose examples files to infer the schema, that works fine.
  2. Then I add a join action but I don't want to infer the schema form the data preview session, so I manually Edit and Apply the schema, but my changes on the Schema are not saved.
  3. This is causing the join action to not have any output
  4. if I want to use that join action as input to another join I'm not able apply conditions base on the first join.
  5. I'm not using any Catalog or database

All of this was working fine a couple of weeks ago, I'm not sure if an update on the Glue Studio can be causing the problem.

Any help is really apreciated, thank you!

  • Any luck with this? I'm facing the same issue with empty schema tabs after joins. I've been running the same jobs for months now without an issue and without a need to run the data preview to infer the schema. Suddenly last week this changed and many of my jobs are showing empty schema tabs.

Joel 0
asked 9 months ago315 views
1 Answer

I have reproduce that for the join field, will report it to the team.
However, bear in mind that the schema is meant to reflect the data, not the other way around, if your schema doesn't match the preview then you need to do mapping/casting as required.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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