Account is denied access to create Glue crawler


One crawler failed to create The following crawler failed to create: "awsglueCrawler-enigma-jhu" Here is the most recent error message: Account ********** is denied access.Enter image description here

1 Answer

Check to make sure you have the correct IAM permissions to create a Glue crawler and check to see if the organization scp's allow you to create a glue crawler (if you are working with AWS organizations. I suspect you are since the error message is stating that your account is blocked from creating a glue crawler). If that does not work it is possible that there is a restriction on your account. AWS sometimes limits new accounts until they meet a "minimum usage" threshold. The steps I would take are as follows:

  • Check to make sure you have the required permissions in IAM to create a glue crawler
  • If you are working with AWS organizations and you have access to see the SCP's I would check to make sure the SCP's give you the required permissions to create a glue crawler
  • If you have the required permissions above, I would open up a support ticket with AWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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