Issue with UI



As of this afternoon I'm experiencing issues with the UI. If I try to upload a new version the "choose file" button is not doing anything. I can see in the console there is a JS error, see below.

TypeError: q.diff is not a function
at beanstalk-xp_en.min.js:244
at angular.min.js:141
at m.$digest (angular.min.js:153)
at m.$apply (angular.min.js:156)
at k (angular.min.js:107)
at v (angular.min.js:113)
at XMLHttpRequest.y.onload (angular.min.js:113)
(anonymous) @ angular.js:15697
angular.js:15697 Possibly unhandled rejection: {}

Please help us fix this, there is no other way to update our app. It started happened a few hours ago.


asked 3 years ago220 views
1 Answer

It was an issue with Chrome. Just make sure your chrome is updated

answered 3 years ago

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