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Custom Caller ID Display for +82 70 Number in Amazon Connect


Hello, my name is Jeongbin Kim.

We are using Amazon Connect to issue a +82 70 number, which is a Korean number. When making calls from this number, is it possible to display “02” (area code), “010”, or our business name on the recipient’s screen?

Thank you

asked 5 months ago171 views
2 Answers


It is indeed possible to customize your outbound information. you can customize the name or the number, please find more information about this topic in Amazon Connect documentation here :

Thank you

answered 5 months ago

The Customer CallerID feature of Amazon Connect is not supported in the Seoul region. You cannot change the outgoing caller ID to any number; only numbers issued by Amazon Connect or ported numbers (Number Porting) can be displayed as the caller ID.

Currently, it is possible to issue 02 numbers and representative numbers (15xx, 16xx). Please open a Support ticket to obtain the number and set it as the outgoing caller ID to proceed with outbound calls. Korean numbers must be obtained by opening a Support ticket.

Thank you.

You can find information on available numbers and number porting by searching for South Korea (KR) at the following link:

answered 5 months ago

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