Contact Trace Records have no Agent data


Currently, agents log into Salesforce to gain access to the Amazon Connect CCP. We are streaming Amazon Connect Contact Trace Records (CTR) through AWS Kinesis Data Stream to Salesforce for some business-specific dashboards. However, there is no Agent data, the Agent section is represented as Agent:{}

Why would Agent data not be provided as part of the Contact Trace Record published by Kinesis? Is it because the agents authenticate through Salesforce and not directly through Amazon Connect?

2 Answers

I think there’s a disconnect in terminology. So in Connect there are two streams you can configure the contact events steam and the agent event stream ( The later stream will have the agent details. The former stream is all about the call path via the flows.


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answered 4 months ago
-1 Please refer the same. Agent data will not be there if there is not agent interaction for a particular call.

answered 4 months ago
  • By its nature, CTR records are typically (but not always) created when an agent interacts with a customer. If you look at: it states that CTR records are created when:

    • After the call has ended and the Agent Status is moved from ACW to Available or Offline status.
    • When a call is transferred to another agent or queue.
    • Abandoned contacts, where a contact is disconnected by the customer when in queue.

    In my case, ALL CTR records do not have the agent entry so your statement "will not be there if there is not agent interaction for a particular call." would not be correct.

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