Can't resolve Aurora serverless PgSQL10 DB from the VPC but Data API works


I'm trialing RDS Aurora Serverless - postgresql 10 flavour and have an odd issue, probably a config step I missed.
I've created the DB fine, comes up as available, in the vpc (only one in the A/C) .
The query editor allows me access to the db, can connect to the db and create / modify users, query and so on without issue.
However from a AWS Linux2 node within the vpc I can't resolve the endpoint as advertised on the connectivity & security page ( nslookup reports NXDOMAIN ).
I've followed the documentation and steps on connectivity issues / but this case isn't covered.

Is there something simple I'm missing here ?

VPC has DNS resolution enabled and DNS Hostnames selected - is there additional dns configuration required to expose the serverless endpoints to ec2 nodes within the vpc ?

Note: vpc is in whereas a select from pg_stat_activity from the cli query editor shows the db client ip as (port:29947 type: client backend)

asked 5 years ago326 views
1 Answer
  • teardown and re-create of the serverless db yielded a working and resolvable endpoint, chalking down to a glitch.
answered 5 years ago

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