Associate WAF ACL with a specific resource paths from API Gateway


I am writing SAM template where I should have AWS::WAFv2::WebACLAssociation to associate the WAF with a specific resource paths inside the API Gateway Rest API.

In the documentation I have founded following example which describes how to associate an AWS WAF regional Web ACL with an API Gateway : ResourceArn: !Sub arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}::/restapis/${Api}/stages/Prod

where ${Api} = some API gateway

However, I cannot find an example of how to specify a resource path so that the WAF rules are not applied to all resource paths but just to a specified one. Any help or link to documentation would be really helpful.

2 Answers


I don't think it is possible to configure AWS WAF to be linked only to a specific resource path in API Gateway.

For an Amazon API Gateway REST API: arn:partition:apigateway:region::/restapis/api-id/stages/stage-name

For example, I think it is possible to create a custom rule for AWS WAF and set it so that when access to a specific URL is not blocked by WAF.

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answered a year ago
  • Hello, thank you for the answer. Since I need different protection mechanisms for /admin API from /user API, do you think it is better option to create 2 separate API Gateways, one for and other for (different gateways, not mappings, since I cannot associate BasePathMapping with WAF) , or to go on with scope-down statements? For the /admin API i need authorization key in header (which I planned to check on waf level with string match) and IP allow rule, so only the admin IP is allowed to access. For the /user API I need lambda authorizer with custom authentication, Rate limit rules and DDOS prevent rules.


You can use scope-down statements within AWS WAF to achieve this.

answered a year ago
  • Hello, thank you for the answer. Since I need different protection mechanisms for /admin API from /user API, do you think it is better option to create 2 separate API Gateways, one for and other for (different gateways, not mappings, since I cannot associate BasePathMapping with WAF) , or to go on with scope-down statements? For the /admin API i need authorization key in header (which I planned to check on waf level with string match) and IP allow rule, so only the admin IP is allowed to access. For the /user API I need lambda authorizer with custom authentication, Rate limit rules and DDOS prevent rules.

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