I can't start an instance even though I have enough quota for the instance.


I am trying to start an existing p3.2xlarge EC2 instance that I have. I had used it 3 days ago without any problem. But today, I am shown the following error while trying to start it:

Failed to start the instance <instance-id>
You have requested more vCPU capacity than your current vCPU limit of 32 allows for the instance bucket that the specified instance type belongs to. Please visit http://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/ec2-request to request an adjustment to this limit.

My current vCPU limit for P on-demand EC2 instances is currently 32. p3.2xlarge uses only 8 of that as far as I know. And when I view the Service Quotas for "Running On-demand P instances", I can see that my Utilization is 0 while the Applied Quota Value is 32. How can I fix this issue?

  • Have you checked the right region ? The EC2 per instance type quotas are per region.

  • Yes, I did check the region across Service Quotas and EC2 . And all had the same region.

  • I tried again just now and the instance started flawlessly without any fuss. I haven't changed anything and it just worked.

asked a year ago619 views
1 Answer

Glad to know that issue is resolved by itself.

One of our re:Post fellow explained and summarized things pretty well, so not mentioning the cases here again, which could cause this. Here is that re:Post discussion.

AWS Support too has talked to address such questions here.

I myself have seen this behavior quite sometimes and to best summarize it, service quota granted limit is the max limit of resources that one account can use, however not always that limit is an absolute guarantee, that resources would be available to your account. Regional limit may also play a role or dependent resources quota limit also comes into the picture.

For dedicated resource allocation, Account team, capacity reservation team and service team all together can help that customer/account.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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