Questionable charge


Hi, I have not used AWS for several months. All other months, August, September, my bill was $0. Suddenly I receive a $13.34 bill. Is my AWS getting hacked?



And how to I turn it off? I have changed my password.

asked a year ago266 views
1 Answer

Did you possibly have some AWS credits applied to your account (you might get these from attending a conference, or completing a training course, for example) which were absorbing this cost in previous months, and now these credits have run out, or expired?

One the charges is for an elastic IP address in us-east-1 that isn't attached to an instance. You should be able to confirm this, and release the IP address, here

Another charge is for a Lightsail snapshot (even if the instance no longer exists, the snapshot still consumes space and is chargeable).

The biggest charge is for API requests from Cost Explorer. Is this something that you could have setup a while ago and is still running in the background?

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answered a year ago

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