Deployment package size limit exceeded while deploying Chalice Application


I am using Chalice as backend for my application but due to n number of dependency to install the package that Chalice is building while deploying .zip file is crossing 50 MB which exceeds the allowed limit of lambda function. I tried to implement the same with setting "automatic_layer": true in config file or enabling layer also that was not working. As i am relaying on Chalice to build and deploy my application I am not able to find a way out to deploy the application using Chalice. What should I do?

1 Answer

The best place to get assistance would be on the chalice github repository. Looking at some of the open issues, there are feature requests like container support to work around the package size limit and it doesn't seem to be supported. In general, you would want to try reducing the number of dependencies (maybe use a tool other than chalice) to reduce the package size or find a way to create a container image with the chalice app to work around the size limit.

answered 2 years ago

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