GGC v2 component can not find python module awsiot


I created a GG v2 component and want to use the awsiot component inside a python file of the component.
So i added this script line to my recipe:
"Script": "python3 -m pip install awsiot"

When i try to run the component the module installs just fine:
2021-05-13T09:13:06.470Z INFO (Copier) com.Componet.Test: stdout. Requirement already satisfied: awsiot in /home/ggc_user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages (0.1.3). {, serviceName=com.Component.Test, currentState=NEW}

But when i try to import the module the error occurs:
2021-05-13T09:13:07.125Z WARN (Copier) com.Component.Test: stderr. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'awsiot'. {, serviceName=com.Component.Test, currentState=RUNNING}

I assume it has something to do with user privilegs. Is the python script not called by default with the user ggc_user specified in when installing the core device with the option --component-default-user ggc_user:ggc_group ?

Any advice would be appreciated.


asked 3 years ago864 views
2 Answers

Hi SebastianBerryroad,

You would have to install awsiotsdk and also add --user in the pip command.
Could you give this another try with those changes and let me know if that works for you?


answered 3 years ago

Installing also awsiotsdk did the trick!
Thank you

answered 3 years ago

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