I am working with Pipelines and provided Sagemaker Project template for building, training and deploying models in Sagemaker Studio and I need to create Multi Model Endpoint. I tried to register MultiDataModel and deploy it as is, but I can not register MultiDataModel and the error is:
AttributeError: 'MultiDataModel' object has no attribute 'vpc_config'.
I also tried to create pipeline model that contains SKlearn model for processing input data and MultiModelData, but I can not register the pipeline model and the error I got is:
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdatePipeline operation: Unable to parse pipeline definition. Unknown Argument member 'Mode'.
Question: Is there any possibility to work with MultiDataModel and multi model endpoint in Sagemake Projects Pipelines, because I will need that endpoint for production, or I will need to work with Notebook Instances If I want to use multi data endpoint?