Why Are Automated Snapshots in RDS Exceeding Configured Retention Period?


Hello all, Reg. Automated backups and snapshot retention in RDS MSSQL. I have an RDS instance running SQL Server and I have configured automated backups with a retention period of 3 days in the RDS console. According to my understanding this setting should retain automated snapshots for a maximum of 3 days. However I've noticed that the system is retaining automated snapshots for up to 5 days.

I've double-checked my RDS configuration and it clearly specifies a 3-days retention period for automated backups. I'm trying to understand why automated snapshots are being retained for a longer period than what I've configured.

Is there any specific reason why automated snapshots are exceeding the configured retention period? Are there any background processes or actions that might be extending the retention period beyond the configured 3 days?

How can I ensure that automated snapshots are retained in accordance with the retention period I've set (i.e., 3 days) and not beyond that duration?

I would greatly appreciate any insights, suggestions or guidance on this and ff there are any specific actions or checks I need to perform to address this issue. Thanks.

  • Hi Karikalan, are you able to advise if your Amazon RDS instance has been in a stopped state during this period? Backups can be retained longer than the backup retention period if a DB instance has been stopped. RDS doesn't include time spent in the stopped state when the backup retention window is calculated.

asked a year ago2129 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello, this is a regular/normal thing with RDS. Please find below snip from RDS FAQ below -

Why do I have more automated DB snapshots than the number of days in the retention period for my DB instance?

It is normal to have 1 or 2 more automated DB snapshots than the number of days in your retention period. One extra automated snapshot is retained to ensure the ability to perform a point in time restore to any time during the retention period.

For example, if your backup window is set to 1 day, you will require 2 automated snapshots to support restores to any within the previous 24 hours. You may also see an additional automated snapshot as a new automated snapshot is always created before the oldest automated snapshot is deleted.


answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

Excellent, this is helpful. Thanks @Shekhar S

answered a year ago

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