Cannot access AWS Lambda console with the error saying 'You do not have sufficient permission. Access denied.


We are currently getting this error on the AWS Lambda page: You do not have sufficient permission. Access denied.

asked 2 years ago557 views
3 Answers

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I'm root ,after create functions in lambda ,no msg error and no function list my region is singapore , I already access enable singapore my account id 610613825790

answered 2 years ago

Bunch of questions about your context:

  1. Are you using a root account?
  2. Are you a part of an organization on AWS - there might be Service Control Policies applied?
  3. Are you using a role to try and access Lambda?
  4. Are you trying this in the correct region for your account - you might not be allowed to access services in some regions?

You might need to reach your AWS administrators to request permissions to access the Lambda service.

answered 2 years ago

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