language translation for the amazon connect CCP.


When we change the language from English to Japanese in the amazon connect ccp, The language was changing to Japanese in the CCP. But the language was not changing to Japanese for the status and speakers which are available in the settings.

Can you please help whether we need to change any settings or this is the expected behavior.

Please check the below image for better understanding.

Enter image description here

asked 7 months ago264 views
2 Answers

To change the language for status and speakers in Amazon Connect, you may need to adjust the settings in your Amazon Connect instance or within the specific queues or contact flows. Here are some steps you can take:

1)Queue Configuration: 

If you want the status and speaker information to be displayed in Japanese for specific queues, you can configure the queue settings accordingly. This might involve setting up localized queue names or configuring queue-specific prompts in Japanese.

2)Contact Flow Configuration:

If you're using contact flows for your queues, you can design the contact flows to include prompts and messages in Japanese. This would ensure that callers hear and see Japanese language prompts while waiting in the queue or interacting with the system.

3)Agent Configuration: 

For agents handling calls in Japanese, you can configure their user profiles to display status and speaker information in Japanese. This might involve adjusting their user preferences within Amazon Connect.

5)Language Overrides: 

In some cases, you might need to manually override certain language settings within Amazon Connect. Check the documentation or reach out to Amazon Connect support for guidance on how to do this effectively.

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answered 7 months ago

Hi Hari Priya,

Thanks for the reply.

I didn't found audio devices list in the Amazon Connect CCP. Could you please guide how to find. I have attached the below screenshot. Please check.

Enter image description here

Thank you !

answered 7 months ago

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