billing question: why do we have a huge rounding error cost?


I was checking our aws billing and was surprised to see that the line for "This line contains rounding error due to the consolidated billing and hourly line item calculation processes" was not the usual tiny number of around +/- $0.05 but was $698.361159! This can't be right.

I got a report for Aug01-Aug07 and the rounding error total there was -0.003. For all of July it was -0.005, for June it was 0.05, for May it was 0.02, etc so it's usually tiny, as one might expect. But when I did a report for Aug01-Aug13 suddenly it had shot up to $698! It's definitely in the right column and it's being added to the AWS pre-tax total (it's included in the tax calculation), but if I just manually add up all the pre-tax lines in the report they don't include this $698 so I can't see where it's coming from - so I think it's something that AWS is doing and not a formatting error on our part.

I'm guessing it's either something that we did in the past week (though I don't think we've done anything new or unusual in that period) or some kind of AWS accounting glitch - does anyone know what could cause this and how to stop it? Or even how to find the individual rounding errors used to calculate this total?

asked a year ago389 views
1 Answer

Interstingly, in AWS Support Centre right now there is this banner at the top of the page, so I wonder if there is a bigger issue that your account has found itself caught up in:

Enter image description here

Reagrdless of that, you need to log a billing support call with AWS about this. The re:Post community volunteers can't reconcile a $700 discrepancy, and nor does anybody who posts here have access to your account and billing records to find out more.

Create an "Account and billing" support call here

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answered a year ago
  • I think you're right, I checked it again this morning (a day later) and the rounding error had been reduced to $224.89. Maybe it'll be gone by tomorrow...

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