Migrate the data collection account for the Cloud Intelligence Dashboard to another organization


I would like to migrate a member account from an existing organization to another organization. I am deploying the Trusted Advisor Organizational (TAO) Dashboard and Compute Optimizer Dashboard and the Data Collection Stack in the member accounts being migrated.

If I move this account to another organization, will it be possible to continue collecting data and using the dashboard?

If it is not possible to continue collecting data and I would like to set up another Data Collection account within the existing Organizations, Should I delete each stack that I have already deployed (Management Role Stack, Linked accounts StackSet) and then deploy them again?

asked 8 months ago308 views
1 Answer

t is possible to continue collecting data and using the dashboards even after migrating the account to another organization. However, you will need to redeploy the Data Collection stack in the migrated account under the new organization.

If you need to set up another Data Collection account within the existing organization, then yes you should delete each stack (Management Role Stack, Linked Accounts StackSet) that you previously deployed and deploy them again in the new account. This will ensure the new account is properly configured to collect and share data within the organization.

When migrating accounts between organizations, it's best to refer to the AWS documentation for detailed steps. Some key things to check include permissions required, backing up reports, updating payment methods and tax information as needed. You may also need to review any policies or permissions that were applied at the organizational level.

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answered 8 months ago
  • Thank you for your response. Why do I need to redeploy the Data Collection stack after migrating the member account to another organization? Is it a problem to store data already collected in S3 bucket?

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