When to update apache 2.4.52 on amazon linux ?


Currently the latest Apache version is 2.4.52 (there has been 2 security vulnerabilities fixed CVE-2021-44224 and CVE-2021-44790) and yet the latest available version is 2.4.51. Therefore I wanted to ask:

Is there any estimate on when the latest Apache version will be available for installation on Amazon Linux 2 default repo? How can we install the latest Apache version on Amazon Linux 2, so that we don't have to wait for the Amazon Linux 2 team to make the latest version available? Obviously we don't want to install it from source, as we want to still manage it using yum package manager.

asked 3 years ago869 views
1 Answer

For questions or concerns about security in Amazon Linux or any AWS service, please reach out to our security contact: aws-security@amazon.com

answered 3 years ago

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