Detailed EC2 Billing information, including Tags


In our company, we use EC2 instances for training neural networks. Every employee uses a different name tag to identify which EC2 instance is launched by whom. At the end of the month I'd like to make an overview of EC2 spending per user. Is there any way, to use the billing information to trace back for each user (hence EC2 name tag), how much was spent on EC2, monthly?

So I'd like to get all individual EC2 billing records, including the Tag information, to link each billing line item to an internal user. I've tried Data Exports, but none of the fields include the Tags.

Alternatively, if tags somehow just aren't available afterwards, can we solve this in the future e.g. with CloudTrail, ... ?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


If you enable user-defined cost allocation tags, you can see the EC2 charges for each tag.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thanks! We will try this out. Seems to be the feature I was looking for.

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