AWS ECS Fargate, redirect traffic to sidecar proxy like envoy


I have a use case that I need to redirect incoming traffic and outgoing traffic to and from Fargate Task thru a sidecar proxy, to do so I need to manipulate ip table rules in the host level my questions : 1- is there any why to manipulate fargate host potable 2- is there any alternative solution to achieve the same use case (I not that ECS service connect dose the same thing, but since it doesn't support TLS, so I need to inject my own custom envoy proxy)

thank in advance for your feedback yes

asked a year ago1757 views
1 Answer


Using an Envoy sidecar with ECS / Fargate has been possible for a long time: see this very detailled blog post about such a setup

But, AWS recently proposed new options to achieve same goal with Amazon ECS Service Connect enabling easy Communication between microservices. That it what you probably should analyze first:

Hope it helps!


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for you answer, I have read this article, my question is how to capture traffic and redirect it to upstream, let's say that I have a container that expose endpoint on port 8080, I want to inject sidecar that listen to port 15020, and route all traffic coming to the task including 8080 to localhost:15020, by doing so I force all coming traffic to go thru envoy proxy. same thing for outgoing traffic, force all traffic out of container, let's say to to got through envoy proxy. As I said AWS service connect do pretty the some thing, but it has some limitation like TLS support and static service discovery

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