Simply need to close my basic account


Still getting emails regarding billing statements for an account I haven't used for 1 -2 years now! How can I simply close my basic account?

asked a year ago247 views
3 Answers


Notes You must sign in as the AWS account root user, which doesn't require IAM permissions. If you sign in as an IAM user or role, you can't close an account. If the account has a multi-factor authentication (MFA) device turned on, keep your MFA device until the 90 day post-closure period expires, or turn off before closing the account.

To close your AWS account

1 - Sign in to the Account settings page in the Billing and Cost Management console at as the root user.

2 - Under the Close account section, read and ensure that you understand the account closure guidance. After you close an AWS account, you can't use it to access AWS services.

3 - In the dialog box, choose Close account.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

You can check if there are any charges for your account

Follow this procedure to access your monthly charges from the Billing console.

To access your monthly charges

1 - Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Billing console at

2- In the navigation pane, choose Bills.

3 - Choose Select billing period on the top right to specify the billing period month.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile picture
answered 8 months ago

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