Member Account Cannot Opt-In


I initially enabled AWS Computer Optimizer to get a feel for it. I then decided that I wanted to enable it organization-wide. Upon doing this all of the other accounts were opted in successfully. The account that was already "opted in" by itself is unable to opt-in at the organization level. I have tried opting-out then back in but that account doesn't even show up in the accounts listing in Compute Optimizer.

Any ideas how to get this one account opted-in?


asked 2 years ago603 views
1 Answer


Thank you for reaching out to us.

I replicated your issue at my test environment by creating an organization with member accounts and started by opting in one account successfully, for reference lets call it account-A . Further I opt-in all the accounts choosing "All accounts within this organization -" option in my management account and could notice the previous opted account-A having "Opt-in status" as "Active" listed in my management account. However please bear in mind that this change might take some time to reflect.

As the issue is specific with your account, we may need to troubleshoot based on your configurations. I would recommend you to create a support case[1] instead, with the account number with which you want to opt-in and so we may discuss details on your resource configurations.

Please do not post any sensitive information over re:Post since this is a public platform.

As always, feel free to reach back with any further questions or concerns in the meantime!

Reference Links:

[1] Creating support cases and case management -

answered 2 years ago

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