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I cant login to sftp using my private key on my instance?


I cant login to sftp using my private key on my instance? ami-0fec1fb452e2ab3b0

with ubuntu as username

do i need an sftp server or something?

2 Answers

There are various reasons you might be unable to connect to your instance - this page offers some solutions:

Do you get any specific error message? It's worth trying to connect through SSH in verbose mode (ssh -vvv) to see if that gives any more information.

answered 2 years ago

By default you won't be able to SFTP to an EC2 machine. There are many articles on the Internet on how to set this up. I went through a few and this one caught my eye -

Disclaimer: I have not tried the instructions on this article myself and I or AWS do not endorse it in any way. You should try it out yourself and see if it works for you

If you want a fully managed SFTP solution on AWS, please take a look at

Detailed documentation here -

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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