Unable to send sms to China numbers


Our system is using Cognito for authorization. Our users with China phone numbers couldn't receive the login SMS while the users with Hong Kong numbers could receive without problem. We tried to use API and the AWS Cognito web console to send the reset password SMS. The China numbers couldn't receive for both.

We had submitted the message template registration for China through AWS support. But the problem is still unsolved. What can we do?

3 Answers

Hello Sonnel,

There are several strict requirements to send SMS messages to users in China. In addition to completing the preregistration form for China, you need to ensure your messages are being sent exactly as detailed in your registration form. You can see the troubleshooting steps under Use your preregistered templates to send your SMS messages at How do I use Amazon SNS or Amazon Pinpoint to send SMS messages to mobile phone numbers in China? for more help.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I tried to send the preregistered message in Pinpoint and SNS. Both failed. How can I check the message status or why it didn't send through?


Hi Sonnel,

You can find troubleshooting tips in SMS delivery failures.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for the replies.

    I've registered the message template and I copy what's in the document I submitted to send out testing messages.

    The message status was "SUCCESS" and the provider response is "Message has been accepted by phone carrier". But the user still couldn't receive any message. I'd sent more than 5 messages yesterday. None received.

    Is there any tool that can help me to pin point the errors?


Hi Sonnel,

It sounds like you're experiencing single-device failure. For more information, see Troubleshoot single device delivery issues.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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