I posted about this in the past and never got any help, and even reached out to amazon directly and got no replies. Now, with recent changes to Amazon's Sitestripe, I need to use the API now more than ever, and I don't understand why it is so difficult to do so.
I am trying to get started with the Amazon Product API, and have set up some of their sample java files in VS Code. I inputted my access key and secret key and one of my amazon affiliate store IDs, and I continue to get this error:
API called successfully
Complete response: class GetItemsResponse {
errors: [class ErrorData {
code: InvalidSignature
message: The request has not been correctly signed. If you are using an AWS SDK, requests are signed for you automatically; otherwise, go
to https://webservices.amazon.com/paapi5/documentation/sending-request.html#signing.
When I try through ScratchPad, it says "HTTP Status: 401: Unauthorized | Response Time: 102 ms | Request ID: d5dbe112-8df9-4533-854a-67f4e47525dc"
I have deleted and remade my keys multiple times and nothing changes. Can I get some assistance with this please?
I can try changing the region, but I don't see any region on the amazon affiliates page where I create the credentials. So I don't know what region to enter in the sample code, which said "us-east-1" initially (I'm from US West, and changing that gave me the same error about the signature). I looked at the link you shared but this is even more complicated and confusing, so I will have to spend some time on it. Is this the process every amazon affiliate needs to go through to use the API?