Quicksight: Recovery time for orphaned resources after deleting a Quicksight account.



I have some analyses made on Quicksight and for personal reasons my plan is to unsubscribe now and return 3 months later to work on the same assets that I now have.

My question is: When you delete a Quicksight account, ¿orphaned resources have the same recovery time as standard deleted assets from an active Quicksight subscription? Thanks

asked a year ago337 views
1 Answer

Hi, @VatticWave.

It is described in the following document.


Unsubscribing QuickSight will remove all assets along with it.
And unsubscribing of QuickSight cannot be undone by an immediate action.

You can protect data sources outside of QuickSight, and assets within QuickSight can be encoded by capturing definitions and stored on QuickSight.

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answered a year ago

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