(Reposting with more context) AWS OpenSearch Zero-ETL DynamoDB integration


Sorry, I am re-asking this question because I did not include screenshot of how the data was formatted. I was watching the re:Invent video on Amazon DynamoDB zero-ETL integration and had a question about one of the slides presented. At 36:17 The query has a filter on doc_type : question. However, the results are of doctype answer. I also see item_name attribute in the results which is not part of the answer schema shown initially (it was part of ASIN type). Does opensearch-dynamoDb integration kind of automatically join related data given they share the same partitionKey? Link to the video with timeStamp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOsQojGHXPo&t=2177s Enter image description here Enter image description here Enter image description here

asked 3 months ago247 views
1 Answer

OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline can continuously stream data from a DynamoDB table, incorporating change data capture (CDC) infrastructure to provide a high-scale, low-latency way to process data. This means that changes in the DynamoDB table (such as create, update, and delete events) are reflected in the OpenSearch index or indexes.


Does this help somehow ?

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answered 3 months ago

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