How come when I add AdministratorAccess to a group, the user in the group still didn't have full access until I attached AdministratorAccess to it directly?


How come when I add AdministratorAccess to a group, the user in the group still didn't have full access until I attached AdministratorAccess to it directly?

Hi everyone, I'm currently learning a course on Udemy called the AWS cloud practitioner. I don't have a technical background and time to time I'll questions that seem very basic but would appreciate any guidance from this community :)

asked 2 years ago337 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

If you have an AdministratorAccess policy attached to a User Group then any User who is a member of that User Group will be using that policy, same as if the policy is attached directly to the User. If you think that's the setup you have and it's not working, please double-check and make sure there aren't any Deny statements overriding access.

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Thank you for your help !

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