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AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Issues


Hi, I created an AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery solution to test the replication of GCP instances to AWS, but didn't work properly.

I successfully installed the agent on the GCP instasnce and AWS Elastic DR identified the correct instance name and tried to replicate. After checking the logs, I saw that there was a connection problem and I started releasing the rules in the security groups of both (AWS and GCP) until the full access was achieved, but it still did not work. So I placed the WAS DR instance on the public network and tried to do it using a Public IP, but it did not work either.

Since it did not work, I decided to delete the DR configurations, including deleting the replication instance, and after that, even after reconfiguring everything, the replication instance is not being recreated by AWS DR.

So, I tried to deploy to another region and it didn't work either, because the replication instance is not being created in that region.

Is it possible to completely remove the DR solution and recreate it from scratch?

asked a month ago33 views
1 Answer

Yes, it is possible to completely remove the DR solution. Here's how you can do it:

a. Delete all source servers from the AWS DRS console. b. Delete any remaining replication settings. c. Remove the AWS DRS service-linked role (if it exists) using IAM. d. Delete any remaining resources created by DRS (like S3 buckets, KMS keys, etc.) e. Uninstall the AWS Replication Agent from your GCP instances.

Before you start the process again here are some resources will help

here is a list of the AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery supported AWS Regions

Here is a free course on AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

This section of the documentation deep dives into the networking requirements

Here are some troubleshooting steps to follow

If you're still unable to create a replication instance after following these steps, it would be advisable to contact AWS Support. They can help identify any account-specific issues or service problems that might be preventing the creation of replication instances.

answered a month ago

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