[Launch Announcement] New Gateway Load Balancer enhancement provides options to define a flow using 2-, 3- or 5- tuple


Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) is a new member of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) product suite to help you easily deploy, scale, and manage your third-party virtual appliances. GWLB now supports configurable flow stickiness, enabling you to configure the hashing used to maintain stickiness of flows to a specific target appliance. You can modify the target group of your GWLB to maintain stickiness of flows using 3-tuple (source IP, destination IP, transport protocol) or 2-tuple (source IP, destination IP) in addition to the default method of 5-tuple. The configuration applies to all traffic using the target group.

The configurable flow stickiness is intended for customers who need to support applications, such as IDS/IPS that identify flows using 3- or 2-tuple, or applications, such as FTP, Microsoft RDP, Windows RPC, and SSL VPN that use separate streams or dynamic port numbers but require to map all traffic from the same client to the same target, using GWLB. The configuration applies to all traffic using the same target group and requires you to drain existing flows to avoid disruption. Configurable flow stickiness doesn’t work if you are using GWLB with transit gateway (TGW) and TGW Appliance Mode is enabled. Please visit Gateway Load Balancer Documentation (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/gateway/target-groups.html#flow-stickiness) to learn more.

asked 2 years ago7447 views
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answered a year ago

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