Lorawan device/gateway simulators available to connect to aws iot lorawan service?


I want to connect with aws iot loarawn service without using physical device and gateway. In aws lorawan workshop they were manually ingesting data into mqtt topic (in no physical device scenario). But I want to connect using lns or cups endpoint which we get after registering gateway in aws iot lorawan service. So, are there any device or gateway simulators available using which I can connect with this aws iot lorawan service?

asked a year ago524 views
2 Answers

Hi, other than what Greg suggested, the service team is trying to provide some simulation tool as well. But it could come later. Can I know the purpose of you using the simulator? Is it to check your application receiving the payload or to try to find out some load testing result?

answered a year ago
  • I am just trying to establish connection with iot Lora wan service using device and gateway simulators, and check whether we receive payload in this Lora wan service just like physical device scenario. The main motive is to establish connection with lns server using simulators. So, are there any simulators available?


Hi. The nearest thing I'm aware of is the Basic Station simulation framework.

Tests can also be composed of the individual building blocks, for instance using real hardware against mock backend components or simulated hardware against real backend components.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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