Can Amplify be used without a middle tier and backend?


We have an application with a Spring Boot middle tier and MySQL Backend. We are considering using Amplify for the UI since it allows us to generate Vue code from a Figma design. We don't want to use a middle tier and backend provided by Amplify. Is this possible? Can we host the Spring application on a webserver(EC2) and use REST API calls in Amplify ? If yes, what will be the approx. monthly charge? When I looked at the AWS Calculator for Amplify, there was a component for build/deploy, storage and data transfer. Should I just set 0 for the data storage and calculate the estimate for Amplify? Will include EC2 and MySQL data storage also in the estimate.

Does AWS Amplify support integration with a Payment gateway and Push notifications?

asked 2 years ago404 views
1 Answer


Yes, Amplify can be used without a backend. You can just deploy a static website to it. Data served refers to the CloudFront distribution created for you and stored is the actual size of the website.

You can use the AWS Calculator to also calculate your EC2 costs, based on your requirements. For MySQL you are considering using Amazon RDS? You can also select in the tool the configurations you expect to use for your database.

Amplify has a library for push notifications if you plan to use React Native as your framework. Payment gateway usually offers SDKs for you makle the implementation on your end, regardless of your stack.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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