Cloudformation-stacks-X rollback_complete


While working on a class exercise I ran into a x rollback_complete. Is it a lab that needs skipped I cannot tell if it is an error on me ,the .yaml or aws.

the instructions for exerciseexercise instructions creation in progress creation in progress events of creation top of list events of creation top of list events of creation bottom of list Enter image description here

I attempted stack creation with existing resourcesstack creation with existing resources

  • The error on your 4th screenshot shows that the table already exists. Do you already have a DynamoDB table with the name 'Employees' in the region. Open DynamoDB console and check for existing tables.

asked 2 years ago272 views
1 Answer

Hi - The status reason mentioned in your screen shot says "Resource handler returned message: "Resource of type 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table with Identifier Employees already exists".

Cross check your DynamoDB in the region where you are running this cloudformation or try to do this in another region. Not sure if your conflicting DynamoDB::Table with same identifier is a test or a real one. Please be careful before deleting anything.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • hah yes, I didn't see past the exercise-containers and cloud9, I had taken a networking class subneting and firewalling assorted userIAMs and thought maybe the firewall. Never crossed my mind that I had to CSV the employee list. Thank you

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