ACM and Route53


So, I've created an SSL in ACM, domain is hosted in Route53. All appears ok, Cert is valid and is in use in CloudFront. However, when I go to the URL it's still coming up as not secure? Is this just propagation, how long does it normally take?

  • Did you added the domain names in the CNAME in Cloud-front ? I think the ACM you have created in N.Virginia region

3 Answers

To use an ACM certificate with Amazon CloudFront, you must request or import the certificate in the US East (N. Virginia) region. ACM certificates in this region that are associated with a CloudFront distribution are distributed to all the geographic locations configured for that distribution. And it may take few minutes to hours sometimes. If your public certificate has been issued and configured correctly on CloudFront then you don't need to do anything else. Also check your dns routing using dig <your domain name> and make sure CNAME entry for correct CloudFront URL is there. e.g. dig

answered 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for that. The cert was requested from this location. In CloudFront is shows the correct cert, in ACM it shows as valid and in use.

Not sure why AWS makes this so complicated??

answered 2 years ago

Ok, used dig and any, returned all DNS entries APART from the CNAME records that ACM added?? Is this normal? Down to propagation?

answered 2 years ago

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