Turn on TTL functionality on existing DynamoDB table


Hi, I have a couple of questions about turning on TTL on a table that has already several GB's of data (we already have a field with proper format to use as TTL):

  • Will the TTL config apply to old information or just to new added rows?
  • If answer to first question is yes: Can this "massive" deletion affect performance or It will just run in background, following the regular behavior?


asked 2 years ago986 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Will the TTL config apply to old information or just to new added rows?


If answer to first question is yes: Can this "massive" deletion affect performance or It will just run in background, following the regular behavior?

It will just run in the background, there will never be performance degradation caused by TTL.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  1. The TTL config will apply to both old and new information in the table.
  2. The deletion of data due to TTL will run in the background and should not affect performance too much as it's an asynchronous process. However, the exact impact on performance depends on the size of the table and the rate at which the data is being deleted.
profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • However, the exact impact on performance depends on the size of the table and the rate at which the data is being deleted.

    Can you point me to the documentation for this please?

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