issue for MFA authentication


i am not receiving mfa code my no is <REDACTED>

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asked 10 months ago277 views
2 Answers


It could be a temporary issue and you could try after some time or confirm that your carrier connection is not having any issues.

However if the issue still continues, please refer -

or contact AWS Support via


profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago


  • Try resending message and restart your phone

Nothing doesn’t work, you can contact AWS support for FREE related to account questions. NO SUPPORT PLAN REQUIRED

How to Contact AWS Support:

Go to the AWS Support Center: Sign in to your AWS account. Click on "Create a Case" Choose "Account and Billing Support" Provide a detailed description of your MFA issue, including the steps you've already taken to troubleshoot.

Consider using Authenticator App: Use a virtual MFA device like Google Authenticator or Authy. These generate codes without requiring a cell signal.

profile picture
answered 10 months ago
  • Without getting the MFA code they will be unable to sign-in and hence unable to create a Support case this way.

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