Lightsail Instance refuse key


I've been using AWS Lightsail for a few years (5-6) from now and never any problem when creating a new instance. I created a new basic instance with LAMP, the one that comes by default with bitnami, and after it creation I can't connect via Putty as it says "Server refused our key". I'm using the default key, the same one I use for another instance. I tried deleting the instance and creating a new one and creating a new pair of keys but nothing works.

Please, if anyone have a solution for this error, that would be amazing.

Thanks in advance!

asked 3 months ago402 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Please update your Putty version to the latest version, or try SSHing into Lightsail from your browser and checking the sshd log to see if any errors are output.
I had a similar experience in the past, but it was resolved after updating Putty to the latest version.
At that time, I checked the Lightsail sshd log and found that there was a problem with SSH key authentication.
Therefore, I recommend that you first make an SSH connection from your browser and check the sshd logs.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thanks for your answer. I was trying to solve this problem for a week!

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